Religion and the lawbreaking Supreme Court | The Hill – Column

Lawyers sometimes irritate other people with their persnicketiness about technicalities.  But scrupulousness about legal detail is what gives courts their authority. It is big news if the Supreme Court ignores statutory limits on its own power. Since Justice Amy Coney Barrett replaced Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Court has repeatedly issued orders without legal authorization. This was particularly…

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The phony rape exception to abortion bans | The Hill – Column

  Now that the Supreme Court permits states to outlaw abortion, Republican state legislators are bitterly split over whether abortion bans should include exceptions in cases of rape. This is a pointless political fight. Laws forbidding abortion often force women to bear their rapists’ babies. If you don’t want to do that, don’t support abortion prohibitions. For many…

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With conservative Supreme Court, religion always wins | The Hill – Column

These days, the Supreme Court presents itself as faithfully following the law, while it does pretty much whatever it wants. For example, it invokes tradition as a constraint on its discretion, while manipulating its meaning to avoid enforcing constitutional provisions it doesn’t like — such as the Establishment Clause. In Kennedy v. Bremerton, the Court recently overruled…

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